Saturday, August 15, 2009

ZOMG The Poor Rich People!

This article has me foaming. It is all about how people who make $250,000 a year are not actually well off and are actually fearing a tax increase because they are just barely making ends meet AND WHO IS THINKING OF THEM GUIS? WHO IS THINKING OF THE POOR RICH PEOPLE!?!?!?

I will be the first to admit that I know little about making ends meet, as I am just starting to ease my toe into the deep, scary waters of independent living, but I do know enough to know that if you are "barely getting by" at $400,000 a year UR DOIN IT RONG. Really guys. I grew up in an area with very high costs of living. Lots of millionaires and conspicuous consumption. My parents made a joint income of less then half of $250,000. And yet... we lived very comfortably.

How can this be guys!?! Someone who makes a measly 100K a year can afford to save up for college, take the family on yearly vacations AND pay off the mortgage on a house in a reasonable time? NO WAI!!!!! EVIL VOODOO MAGICKS!!!! That man must be a wizard with money! Wait, what? The WOMAN works!?!? The MAN takes care of the children!?! What kind of backwards moon planet are you from!?!


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