Monday, October 27, 2008

Miscellaneous Meanderings

So, instead of doing a real update I'm going to post some old poems I have running around wild on my desk top. Because I fancy myself a poet. Exciting, no?


Literature and poetry:

A wealth of color,

Beauty, plot.

There are a myriad of reasons

To read.

But one of the reasons

Should not,

Is not,


Do not read for impressions.

Do not read because you should.

Read because you love.

Read because you need to know.

Read for love and liberty.

Read for truth and travesty.

But do not,

Do not,

Read for should or could,

Or some trivial esteem.

Reading belongs to the soul,

Not to the mind.

Crayon Box

Sometimes, when surrounded by colors like

Purple Mountains Majesty,


And Macaroni and Cheese,

It’s hard being

Plain old brown.


Sit in classes.

Sipping coffee.

Speaking intellectualisms.


There is a storm outside

beating on the windows.



The students are deaf.

Their ears are filled with the sedate world of academia.

They read poetry about wild nights of love and fright.

The passion falls flat.

Stale lightening and monotones,

deportment and appropriate attire.

It makes the most fierce of things

collapse into sedition.

On the Enormity of Innovation

A million people have come before,

A million more may come after.

Statistically speaking,

Probability provides,

That every word I speak,

Every letter I write,

Is old.

No new ground to tread,

No clique left unread.

A keyboard to my right,

Paper to my left,

Squashed in the middle?

A tired old brain
Searching for an answer unspoken.

A fruitless search.

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